Icon Website Hosting

Fast, reliable hosting for your library’s website

Enjoy fast, secure, reliable hosting for your library's website - all at no cost!

JerseyConnect's web hosting service is free for libraries across New Jersey. Don't compromise on security, features, or performance for your library's website.

Easy to use

Use our cPanel web control panel interface to run your website:

  • Install, manage, and update CMS applications with one click
  • Upload files using the web-based File Manager
  • Manage data with built-in phpMyAdmin
  • Select any PHP version and modules in the control panel
  • Manage your domain's DNS records*

* Only available with JerseyConnect's free DNS Hosting service

cPanel dashboard screen
Security dashboard screen - blocked threats

Safe and secure

We use industry-leading technology to keep your website secure, and have comprehensive backup and disaster recovery policies to keep your data safe.

And to protect your patrons' privacy, we offer free SSL certificates for library websites.

  • Automatic nightly backup of all sites
  • Multiple layers of protection against attacks
  • Containerization technology keeps your site safe even if another site is infected
  • Distributed backups protect against a local disaster
  • Restore your entire site or individual files up to 3 months later


Interested in website hosting?


JerseyConnect will provide 5 GB of space to host your library's website. A database can also be provided for your library's website. JerseyConnect will take and retain regular backups of both, and restore files or database tables when requested. JerseyConnect will provide a hosting environment compatible with a wide variety of CMS, but cannot maintain such systems for your library. JerseyConnect staff can create a single-page website for libraries without an existing web presence to ensure compliance with PCSA requirements, but cannot create your website or manage its content in any other capacity.

Website Hosting Options

Web Statistics

Keep track of your site’s usage with rich web statistics

SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt

Keep your site and your visitors secure with a free SSL certificate provided by Let’s Encrypt